Meet Carrie Hines.

I have been immersed in the jewelry industry for over 20 years. My introduction to the industry began at Iowa State University as a fine arts major.  After taking my first metalsmithing class, I was hooked.  That combined with a part-time job at a local jewelry store, and I was falling head over heels in love with the jewelry world.  

A very wise college professor gave me the best advice possible.  If you really want to be a jeweler, college is not the best place for you. Go to a technical school instead and learn the trade. So, I did just that. 

The next stop in my journey was the Gemological Institute of America (GIA)  in Carlsbad, CA.  GIA is the world’s foremost authority on diamonds, gemstones, and pearls.  After graduating with my Graduate Jeweler diploma,  I went on to work the next five years for a high-end  San Diego jewelry store.  This provided the opportunity to work on custom design and continue to learn by immersing myself in the industry. 

In 2006, a move to Denver, CO provided me with another great opportunity. Over the next 15 years, I worked closely with clients to help design their one-of-a-kind pieces, curated and sourced countless diamonds and unique gemstones, as well as established relationships with talented designers and jewelers throughout the industry.  During this time, I also earned my Graduate Gemologist diploma from GIA.

In 2022, a move back to my home state of Iowa gave me a fresh start, and the opportunity to focus on doing what I love most, working closely with clients. In doing this, I am able  to design and to create pieces that are meaningful and truly one-of-a kind. 

In my free time, you can find me running (almost always training for a marathon), spending time with my husband and  daughter, hiking and camping, or doing DIY projects around the house. 

Thank you for trusting me with your vision, and I look forward to working with you. 

To start the process, please complete my custom design form at the link below.